Cost of converting Themes from Anders Norén to Ghost?

How much would it cost, per Theme, to convert Some or/and All of the Themes from Anders Norén to Ghost?

Specially the following Themes first:

  • Koji
  • McLuhan
  • Hamilton
  • Davis
  • Fukasawa
  • Garfunkel
  • Lingonberry

I’m totally aware about the Fact, that there will be some Functions within some Themes that can’t be converted because of the Difference between Ghost and WordPress. That’s fine with me as long as the overall Design & Layout of the Theme is intact.

There shouldn’t be much of Difference between the original Theme in WordPress compared to the converted/ported Version in Ghost.

That’s all what I’m asking and willingly paying for. :slightly_smiling_face:


Free Distribution OR Reselling?

I still don’t sure/know which Way to go on this Topic.

If I would go for Reselling I would put a Pricetag at around 9$ to 19$ per Theme and donate half of it back to Anders Noren as kinda Remuneration or Payment of his Work in the first Place.

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Please check inbox. I sent you message regarding that.

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Thanks for the Message so far.

I’m still looking for further possible People to Help with this Topic. :wink: