I’m adding Cove comments to Ghost running Edition theme. The comment part at the bottom of each post is full page width and I want it to me the same width as the copy. Is there a generic setting to set the width of the comments section? I’m not a programmer, but I am a mean cutandpaster if anyone can provide some guidance, it would be welcomed. Thanks!
Hey @Jeff_Snell could you please provide an URL showing the problem?
Hi. Thanks for taking a look:
Move the Cove items up under the below DIV so the comments block is nestled inside the rest of the page content…
<div class="single-content gh-content kg-canvas">
Lost me already. Sorry… such a noob. Where would this be located? Here is what my post.hbs file contains: I inserted the " {{> comments}}" statement where indicated by the Cove install instrux.
{{!< default}}
{{#contentFor “body_class”}}{{#if @site.cover_image}} with-alt-header{{/if}}{{/contentFor}}
No worries – we’re all noobs way more than we’re not!
So here’s what I’ve got for the post.hbs in the Edition theme…
{{!< default}}
<div class="content-area">
<main class="site-main">
{{> content width="wide"}}
{{#is "post"}}
{{#if @custom.show_related_posts}}
{{> related}}
{{> comment}}
{{#contentFor "body_class"}}{{#if @site.cover_image}} with-alt-header{{/if}}{{/contentFor}}
Change it to this…
{{!< default}}
<div class="content-area">
<main class="site-main">
{{> content width="wide"}}
{{#if access}}
<div class="comment container small">
If you want to embed comments, this is a good place to do it!
{{#is "post"}}
{{#if @custom.show_related_posts}}
{{> related}}
{{#contentFor "body_class"}}{{#if @site.cover_image}} with-alt-header{{/if}}{{/contentFor}}
So you are just adding the following snippet in between…
{{> content width="wide"}}
Of course, then replace
If you want to embed comments, this is a good place to do it!
with your comments code snippet!
Got it! Thank you so much for the help!
You are most welcome!