Crawled - currently not indexed

you can guys help me understand why a large part of my website is not indexed on Google search console. In the first few days I had organic views from searches, but they stopped 100 for some reason.

“Crawled - currently not indexed”

I was using popupsmart but I already removed it from the site believing that it could be that, but so far nothing, could it be another reason? Google doesn’t specify much.

Crawled but not indexed can mean that Google decided that a page wasn’t worth indexing. (It can also mean that Google simply hasn’t indexed it yet.)

So, I’d take a look at the pages that are in that state, especially if they’ve been there for a while. What content on that page makes it worthy of indexing? I’m finding that Google doesn’t always index my collection and tag pages, which makes sense, because there’s not really much there that’s unique - it’s just a collection of links to posts. (And it /does/ index the posts.)


Most of my posts are no indexed. In the image is my a Ghost site map of posts, how can i fix that? “This is not a valid URL. Please correct it and resubmit.”

When I visit the url shown in the screenshot, it looks fine in my browser. Any chance you’ve got your robots.txt blocking it, or a proxy out in front blocking bots?

Hey @Kelvin, suggest you remove any entries within Google Search Console and then add your root sitemap -

From there, you will have to patiently wait for Google.