Dashi - Ghost Theme

Hello everyone,

I am happy to announce we released a new Ghost Theme: :sparkles: Dashi :sparkles:.

Demo | Explore & Purchase Dashi | Documentation

Dashi comes with a unique hero section, which is a call to action to either “Subscribe” or “Upgrade” depending on the user status (whether it’s a paying member, free member or regular user).
It also has a “filter” section provides an easy way to navigate between the tags.

Dashi has a dashboard style home page, with a side menu, it comes with 4 predefined colour schemes, which can easily be adapted, or new ones added.
Dashi has two home pages you can choose from, a 3 column post card layout and another one with 2 column and sidebar.

The theme comes with 3 different post types (these can be assigned to each post in Ghost Admin):

  • default - a single column post
  • with sidebar
  • with table of contents

Dashi comes with full support for Subscription & Membership feature of Ghost, and such unique pages were designed:

  • custom sign up page
  • custom sign in page
  • custom account page
  • custom membership page

Custom Post and Tag Archive pages.

A special offer for early adopters: the first 5 people to use the discount code dashi25 will get 25% off.

Buy now

Feel free to get in contact in case of questions.

Thank you,


Something totally different. Great work.

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Thank you @inoryum!

You are welcome…

Great Theme! If Portal is enabled, how does the management of the signup and signin pages change?

Thanks @giacomosilli!

By default the links point to the individual pages, if you prefer the Portal feature you would have to add the links/data-attributes from Ghost Admin > Portal > Links to the elements that currently point to the pages (in header, menu, etc). I will definitely add a section in the documentation, listing all the places where this needs to be done.

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I contacted you via the form :slight_smile:

I am a premium user, if I connect to the page Membership I can see the plans that give me the possibility to upgrade.

Also on the following page Ghost CMS subscription & membership, in the right sidebar, I see the block that invites me to upgrade my account, but I am already a premium user.

Even in the footer, I am still asked to subscribe.

I think you have to put many conditions in the template.

however still great work, I really like this theme very much.

I sent you an answer, you should have in in your inbox.

Thank you for the feedback, I fixed those issues, it should be fine now.
Thanks again for reporting it.

[v1.1.0] - a new home page layout was added with a featured post slider.
Check it out here.


great theme!

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You’re killing it again! If you need Turkish lang, i will help you again.


Thanks @tolgaaaltas!

Turkish translation would be great, I will contact you. :slight_smile:

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A new feature was added with version 1.2, called announcement, it looks like this:

An internal tag #announcement has to be assigned to posts and then it will show up with the bell icon.



The Dashi theme looks great and I’m using it for my blog. I’m currently trying to figure how to change the background gradient for the cover image only, separate from the sitewide ghost accent color. Do you know how I should go about doing this? Thank you.

Thanks for using Dashi :slight_smile:

I’ve just answered your email.

Hi Dashi ,

When i try to add an new author with valid user email id . i get this error “Unknown error - TypeError, cannot save invite. copyError is not a function” . Please help .


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Please contact me using the contact form


Thanks @brightthemes

Could you tell me how you solved the error?

I have the same problem and I can’t find a solution anywhere.

Thanks a lot.

You need to integrate mailgun as documented here https://bironthemes.com/blog/ghost-mailgun-config/ .