Datepicker for posts, Publish Date - How to easily enter dates in the far past?

In the Admin-interface.
I am adding posts that have a “publish date” back to around 2007.
Currently, I need to click back month-by-month until I reach the year I need to enter, but setting a date 10 years ago involves 120 click pr post.

Is there an easier way to do this? The input-field is readonly and cannot be edited. I would imaging that there is a configuration for the datepicker somewhere, but I cannot figure out where to dig in.

I am running Ghost 3.0.2 hosted at DigitalOcean.
Using Firefox
Very happy with Ghost so far, except for this.

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Same problem here, the “readonly” attribute for the input prevents that behaviour. Terrible when manually migrating old posts from other platforms.

Howdy folks! In Ghost 3.3.0 it’s possible to type in a post date and time, enjoy! :tada:


Hurray! - Thanks a bunch for fixing this! - I have so far clicked in the date-picker approximately 3900 times to enter old dates. My index finger is very grateful :slight_smile: