Design your ghost blog with a builder

No-code website builder for the Jamstack. Basically, an Elementor clone that works with Ghost (and Airtable, Google Sheet, Mailchimp…)

what do you think?

I think it’s a wonderful option for those who want or need it. I would personally never use a builder.

I detest builders. My view is that sites created using builders are akin to castles built on sand.

I used to use Elementor for WordPress and then realised that asking my clients to navigate the many intricacies of the builder to achieve the most basic of things was like asking them to walk into a jungle and find the lesser spotted ponglemoose.

I leave the theme designing to the people who do it for a living.

@Graeme I agree. At the same time - I am happy for those who, for whatever reason, need a builder to do whatever it is they need to do.

Being more or less completely new to Ghost (I’m 10 days in), I found it very interesting that we get to see the result live in the editor if and when using the HTML card. That for me is enough. That means we can insert whatever we like and see the result live.

Anyhow… if a builder is introduced, I truly hope it comes with options for turning various features on and off and if the Ghost dev team were to ever consider including a builder into core, I hope they provide an “on / off” option for those who do not want it.

I also come from a 10 year long run with WP and builders and what I like to call BLOAT. This is why I went over to Ghost. No bloat.

Interesting. I’ve seen a new wave of so-called “front-end builders” recently on Product Hunt. I tried out WeWeb. It’s interesting, though still needs some polish. Unfortunately, it works with Ghost content but does not (yet) work with members natively.

Another interesting entry in this space is Plasmic:
No in-built Ghost integration, but they make similar claims about letting you connect to any headless CMS. It’s also a bit more of a bridge between developers and no-coders, so I can see it having some staying power. It’s also pretty slick for a very early-stage tool.