Developer required for custom theme

Hi - I’m new to Ghost but am looking to migrate my network of six local news websites from Wordpress. I’m also looking to customise a master theme. I’m a journalist, not a developer, so am looking for support in doing this. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Am ready to go now.

Hello @dmhprior, I just sent you a private message.


Hello, David,

I just leave you a message. Please have a check!


your name will make him afraid to hire you. could be you put bug in codes since you love it.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello David,

I have a rush check on your current website:, and I found some of the pages are quite suitable to adopt my extension on Ghost, for example:

As Ghost does not have plugin mechanism, so our customization on Ghost is the only one “3rd Plugin” we knew til today.

Even you choice another team or developer for the theme development, we are also glad to provide the customized distribution of the platform and help the theme developer to integrated with our enhanced features.
