DNS Resolve Issue with Namecheap

Hello guys I have a problem setting up my DNS properly I think.

This is my website: eqraatech.com, and I cannot access it properly under my wifi connection … it works once in a 10,000 times but with celluar mobile network it works fine and get dns resolved.

Today I configured the namecheap DNS as documented in ghost documentation using the root domain instead of (www.eqraatech.com).

You’ll find the attached configuration here:
Type: A Record
Host: www
TTL: Automatic

Type: CNAME Record
Host: @
Value: eqraatech-qr-tik.ghost.io.
TTL: Automatic

and the errors message:

Screenshot 2023-12-30 at 21.08.03

So can you please help where the issue is ? because I don’t know if it’s just my router configuration which is weird to be honest, or it’s DNS issue ?

Thanks in advance,

It is loading fine for me.

DNS is cached, and sometimes cached with a one day timeout. So if your changes are recent, it’s very possible that SOME router and/or browser has cached the old value, and you’re waiting for it to time out. Wait 24 hours. Or try another browser – I find that Chrome often caches old settings.

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Thank you @Cathy_Sarisky for your response!
I am really glad that it worked with you!

I think I will wait as you advised and check it back tomorrow as I already did that couple of hours ago.

Thanks again!

It has already worked now, it seems that it was cached!

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