Hi Everyone,
I’ve run into some issues trying to build a custom docker image based heavily off the dockerfile found here: Docker-library/ghost
I can build the docker image using buildx locally but when I try to build the same image on a Github actions runner for linux/arm64 it fails on this line:
gosu node ghost install "$GHOST_VERSION" --db mysql --dbhost mysql --no-prompt --no-stack --no-setup --dir "$GHOST_INSTALL"';
with the following error:
#17 1459.0 [00:16:01] → yarn install v1.22.19
#17 1471.1 [00:16:13] → [1/5] Validating package.json...
#17 1472.4 [00:16:14] → [2/5] Resolving packages...
#17 1527.3 [00:17:09] → [3/5] Fetching packages...
#17 1573.0 [00:17:55] → info There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying...
When I build the same with only linux/amd64 it succeeds.
I’ve tried various things to fix the issue, i.e. adding these timeouts and cache clears:
yarn config set network-timeout 1800000; \
yarn config set httpTimeout 600000; \
gosu node yarn cache clean; \
gosu node npm cache clean --force; \
npm cache clean --force
but have had no success.
I’d appreciate anyone’s help with this.