I’m trying to update my ghost to the latest version from 1.22.
I’m not sure what to do after opening ‘/var/www/ghost/.ghost-cli’’
Here’s more info on what I did:
Running ghost update:
✔ Checking system Node.js version
✔ Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user
✔ Checking if logged in user is directory owner
✔ Checking current folder permissions
✔ Checking folder permissions
✔ Checking file permissions
✔ Checking content folder ownership
✔ Checking memory availability
✔ Checking for available migrations
An error occurred.
Message: 'EACCES: permission denied, open '/var/www/ghost/.ghost-cli''
Debug Information:
OS: Ubuntu, v16.04
Node Version: v6.11.5
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.9.8
Environment: production
Command: 'ghost update'
Additional log info available in: /home/vikash/.ghost/logs/ghost-cli-debug-2018-12-01T10_45_40_015Z.log
When I checked the log, this is what I found:
GNU nano 2.5.3 File: ...host-cli-debug-2018-12-01T10_45_40_015Z.log
at Error (native)
at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:642:18)
at Object.fs.writeFileSync (fs.js:1348:33)
at Object.writeFileSync (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_modules/jsonf$
at Config.save (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/utils/config.js:91:12)
at Instance.set cliVersion [as cliVersion] (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli$
at ui.run.then.then (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/commands/migrate.j$
at tryCatcher (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_modules/bluebird/js/rel$
at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_$
at Promise._settlePromise (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_modules/blu$
at Promise._settlePromise0 (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_modules/bl$
at Promise._settlePromises (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_modules/bl$
at Async._drainQueue (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_modules/bluebird$
at Async._drainQueues (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_modules/bluebir$
at Immediate.Async.drainQueues (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/node_module$
at runCallback (timers.js:672:20)
Path: /var/www/ghost/.ghost-cli
Since ghost doctor is supposed to tell what exactly the issue is, I tried it and everything seems to be fine. This is what I got for Ghost doctor:
✔ Checking system Node.js version
✔ Checking logged in user
✔ Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user
✔ Checking if logged in user is directory owner
✔ Checking current folder permissions
✔ Checking operating system compatibility
✔ Checking for a MySQL installation
+ sudo systemctl is-active ghost_ip.address
Instance is currently running
ℹ Validating config [skipped]
✔ Checking folder permissions
✔ Checking file permissions
✔ Checking content folder ownership
✔ Checking memory availability
I’m not really sure how to get over this EACCES issue. Any help is gladly appreciated.
My CLI version is 1.9.8. And I think that’s the latest version?