Thanks to @mheland and @jonhickman for all of this! I’ve played around with a popupsmart integration and it definitely checks some of the boxes. I’m also going to use the tools from the folks at, which add some great bells/whistles and other features like a customizable welcome email series (though not free to use).
To Jon’s suggestion (and his provocative tease of new features ;) the challenge with Portal as it is today has to do with messaging and format, neither of which are exposed/addressable via the Ghost dashboard. Some of this can be addressed via building custom membership and signup pages as done in a custom themes, e.g. by @Norbert and @brightthemes, but that means spending some time/money and turning off the portal entirely.
At minimum, if the portal had some of its text/messaging exposed for editing/customization, that would go a long way. For instance, in Jon’s example, there’s no way to add any verbiage, image, etc., to make that popup explanatory and more compelling: The signup form as it stands doesn’t offer any text at all, just a pop-up for name, email, and a sign-up button. Sign-up for what? And the sudden appearance of the full Portal, with all tiers and verbiage, is not a great user experience.
As I’ve noted in a few email threads with Jon and Sarah, the language on the “Your Account” page in Portal also doesn’t work for my use case – a publication with voluntary paid subscriptions but no paywall, so no need to upsell a paid subscription “for full access.” (I have a registration wall in some places; that CTA can be easily customized in the theme or via code injection.)
If that language on the account page was exposed for editing in the dashboard, well, I’d dance a jig. (First I’d learn to dance a jig, then I’d dance it…)
More broadly, it would be great to make Portal more flexible, like adding functionality that includes options for a custom-amount tier and built-in one-time option (choose an amount that’s Monthly, Yearly, One-Time), etc. To Jon’s point, while a pop-over may seem like a design choice, I’m thinking more generally about Portal functionality that could then be incorporated more easily into design choices. Given how fundamental membership/payment tiers are, that seems like something for the dev team to consider more seriously/expeditiously.
Indeed, given the evolving nature of paid publications/newsletters and subscription models, expanding and improving Portal to provide more features and flexibility would be a huge win for Ghost. (And me/us… ;)