Email me when I have a new member

Suggest having a look at using a Cloudflare worker calling EmailJS triggering from a Ghost new member callback.

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Would like to have these features as well. I think they’re basic functions that are needed.

Hi all I am currently building a tool for automating email notifications and automated emails to members. If you are interested check this thread

Just curious if you’re still working on this? :)

@beliefhole.podcast yes I have been working on it and went through a rebranding today. The app is now called you can find an in depth demo going over how it works, setting up a ghost newsletter and creating a new subscriber workflow

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@charlesloubao the tool you made looks fantastic.

Still, I think it’s shameful that such a basic thing isn’t supported within Ghost.
But Ghost oversight on basic features may be your profit in providing it, so congrats.


@snirda Thank you for the kind words. The simplicity of Ghost can be an advantage or a weakness depending on the situation but the fact that creators can use integrations like cove chat, NewsletterKit and others to extend functionality is a move in the right direction I personally think for creators and for those creating solutions.

If you ever need help with setting up your NewsletterKit account (if you were to needed it) feel free to send me a DM :slight_smile:

Update for this thread: As of today, Ghost can send you an alert every time a new member signs up, starts a paid subscription, and/or cancels a paid subscription. You can read more about the feature here :slight_smile: