Is it possible to edit the email templates which Lyra sends out to new users for activation link?
Hey @specter it is not possible just yet.
If it’s absolutely critical for you to modify the templates you could do it directly in the source code. Bear in mind if you do so, you’d need to support your changes yourself
I am not interested in self-hosting. I must have customization at every level. These two things shouldn’t be mutually exclusive. I am tired of having to learn new skills in order to support a very simple platform with very simple needs. If the standard template didn’t include emotes and would just take direct ties from the sign-in sheets from .hbs it would be way easier. Then my sign-in process would corroborate with the email template.
@specter at the moment we have this feature in the backlog but have no timeline on when it will be available just yet. I have noted your feedback, so it will be definitely taken into account when we work on it
Hey gargol!
I have successfully modified the subscribe and sign in link in the source code on my DO instance.
I would like to do the same for the email newsletter template.
In server > services > mail > templates there’s a few, so I was wondering which one it is.
@anbuteau I believe what you are looking to modify is this template - Ghost/template.js at 3.1.1 · TryGhost/Ghost · GitHub.
Please note, I do not recommend modifying the contents of the file as it will become a PITA to upgrade when the core changes any of these template files. Please bare this in mind when changing it ;)
Understood, thanks Gargol!