Embedding form from wisepops in source page

Hellllooooo again. I know the odds are slim this will be resolved today, but I’m hoping nonetheless. I’m trying to embed a signup form from WisePops into my Newsletter Signup page. I have the backend script (pasted below) running and my html on the page looks like this:

<script>(function(w,i,s,e){window[w]=window[w]||function(){(window[w].q=window[w].q||[]).push(arguments)};window[w].l=Date.now();s=document.createElement('script');e=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.defer=1;s.src=i;e.parentNode.insertBefore(s, e)})('wisepops', 'https://wisepops.net/loader.js?v=3&h=mmFKtcjtvf');</script>

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong/how I can make this work? I’m sure I’m just a n00b and don’t know what I don’t know. Bonus points if you can help me resolve this by the time my event starts at 5:00 EST tonight.


You’re ending up with a div inside a script tag. That’s not valid HTML. I suspect that you just need to remove the script tags wrapping that div, since I see you have the functional script elsewhere on the page.

Ha funny because I added those because it wasn’t working without the script tag. I’ll try again and report back in 5

Hmm, no that didn’t work either. Any other clever ideas?

without seeing the directions, the live page, and the console errors when you follow them, nope, sorry!