I’ve used Casper. But, i found the error image src. This is my console report:
Any idea to fix this problem?
FYI, i uploade the featured image from my local storage. Do not use Unsplash plugin. When i’m using image from Unsplash, everything its Ok. But, when i uploaded from local storage, the error will appear.
Hi @Fathul! Which version of Ghost are you running and what exact configuration for storage are you using? From the log output above, it seems like there’s a stray ng postfix added to image extension everywhere. Can you also provide the full request path these 404s are coming from (you can find that info in the network tab);
Thanks for more info@Fathul! Can you try updating to the latest version of Ghost 2.16.2, as 2.0 is quite outdated? Let me know if the problem persists after that.
How did you install this Ghost version, through CLI or manually from source? Did you do any modifications to configuration files regarding storage?
Hey @Fathul The blog you referred to is using :2368 port and the Ghost instance is starting on this port as well, and everything seems to work as expected.
I suspect there’s an error on Buster’s side (because that’s what is served on :9000) which adds that ng postfix. Not familiar with Buster, so can’t really help much here The only thing that I clearly see that might go wrong is this sed command:
find static -name *.html -type f -exec sed -i '' 's#http://localhost:2368#https://stefanscherer.github.io#g' {} \;
Which replaces http://localhost:2368 with your address, might have a mistake, and that’s why the links are broken in this generated html files.