Failed to send magic link email

Hey, I am trying to subscribe but somehow it shows 404 ( with the status code 404. How can I resolve this?


You probably need to check your “mail” settings inside config.production.json file.

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“mail”: {
“transport”: “Direct”

This will only work if you’ve setup an MTA, and SMTP ports are open on your server. However, many hosts don’t permit this, and you’ll need to setup a mail relay.

i don’t think it’s something issue with MTA and SMPT and config.production.json because this is the same config I used in my other ghost website as well and it’s working fine blog. I also surprise that when I set up my membership, check the screenshot

how to setup its?
because i have same problem

@arianurjamal, please open a new thread in #help. Thanks.

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