Gatsby-Ghost-Starter: Adding a theme

I’m new to both Gatsby and Ghost and I’ve bootstrapped a project with Gatsby-Ghost-Starter. I have it up and running and it works fine. I’m now trying to add a new Ghost theme to this project for the blog section. How can I add a theme to a Gatsby project started with Gatsby-Ghost-Starter?

I’m having trouble and I can’t seem to find any good documentation for this.

Hey @Nicknyr :wave:

Ghost themes aren’t compatible with Gatsby, because they use completely different rendering engines - Ghost uses handlebars, while Gatsby uses React with some special sauce.

That doesn’t mean you can’t use a Ghost theme for inspiration, though - the starter has a templates folder which you can customize for individual content types, and the layout component in components/common seems to contain the core layout used by all of these templates

Thanks for the information.

My post was a little misleading. I’m trying to add a Gatsby theme to the project, not a Ghost theme. I’m having trouble getting a Gatsby theme up and running in conjunction with Gatsby-Ghost-Starter and there’s surprisingly little documentation for that starter.

Is it possible to use a Gatsby theme on a project bootstrapped with Gatsby-Ghost-Starter or is that just not doable?

Aah, that’s out of my wheelhouse - I don’t use Gatsby :sweat_smile: