Ghost 2.0.3 - upgrade notification?

Could you please help me out with the following?

I have done the db migration & created the default routes file, so finally got
Version 2.0.3 installed.

However I’m greeted with the attached upgrade notif. Any reason for doing this? Or is it only going away by dismissing it at least once?
I’ve checked the db:
settings :hammer_and_wrench: table :card_file_box: with :key: display_update_notification has the value : NULL .

Well TBH I’ve just skimmed through the docs :nauseated_face:


If you are on Ghost 1.0 and your blog just received the 2.0 notification, it can happen that if you migrate to 2.0, that the notification shows up. A mechanism to not show the notification in this case doesn’t exist in Ghost yet.

Have you tried dismissing the notification?

display_update_notification has the value : NULL .

There is no display_update_notification value/entry in Ghost 2.0.


Yeah, it’s a long-lived instance migrated from the ancient times every time a new release has come up… :slight_smile:

Yeah sure that worked at the end :white_check_mark: just tought it would be nice :cake: to remove as part of the upgrade(db migration process) -if possible-.

TBH I haven’t seen the white cross in the corner at first 2-3 times I’ve been there :open_mouth:

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