Ghost admin: Ember -> React?


First of all, thank you very much to the Ghost team and all contributors for this absolutely fantastic software! Really inspired by how Ghost is leading the way in open-source publishing (and on top of that is quite a profitable business)!

I’m new to Ghost and trying to wrap my head around it. I need a bunch of features, which I’ll most probably end up changing the core for. I’m looking into modifying the admin site functionality allowing to set up one and the same tier in multiple currencies, so that users can choose.

In order to proceed it would be nice to get the architecture confirmed. From what I understand, there is an Ember app which is what you interact with directly after you logged in using /ghost/ path, and then there is at least one React app, which is like a modal with all the settings. If I’m right, this indicates to me that Ghost admin seems to be moving to become a React app entirely?

Thank you in advance for your time!


P.S. If there are any up-to-date architectural diagrams that would also be super helpful


Now I’ve discovered that when one is running a dev instance of Ghost, there are actually Alpha features that one could try! One of them is called AdminX Demo, which if enabled gives the demo page, where it says as follows:

You’re looking at a React app inside Ghost Admin. It uses common AdminX framework and Design System packages, and works seamlessly with the current Admin’s routing.

At the moment the look and feel follows the current Admin’s style to blend in with existing pages. However the system is built in a very flexible way to allow easy updates in the future.

So seems like there is indeed a seamless transition of the admin app to React in progress, but mostly on the need basis, which is pretty cool!

I had much less success with finding anything about the overall architecture, except this very-very high-level overview in the docs: Ghost Architecture – A modern, decoupled web application for professional publishers

So any tips on that front are still very much appreciated :slight_smile: