Ghost API Content with Next.js & GraphQL

Hi everyone,

I have a website based on Next.js (Latest Version). I wanted to add a headless CMS (blog) to it, so I came up with Ghost.
I installed the latest version of ghost (How to install Ghost locally on Mac, PC or Linux) on “blog” folder and I used the API integration to query posts from Next.js application. Everything is ok and I don’t have any issue.

Now I wanted to convert the Rest APIs (which I used on Next.js) to GraphQL. I see that we have a “gatsby-source-ghost” plugin which we can add to our project and query Ghost with GraphQL. I tried that without success as there is no good documentation or examples available.

My questions are:

  • Shall I use “gatsby-source-ghost” in my Next.js project? Or it is available only on Gatsby itself?
  • Can I use GraphQL for query the Ghost without Gatsby?
  • Should I install the Gatsby version of Ghost (gatsby-starter-ghost) and use GraphQL on my project?

Any help would be appreciated,
Thanks in advance,

I created a project that provides an Apollo GraphQL server for Ghost. It supports querying of all Ghost resources from the Content API. I opened a thread for reviews here.