You probably have another version of ghost installed for some reason - you can find out by running whereis ghost - if the first location isn’t /usr/lib... then the version you just installed isn’t being ran
Did you get a chance to run the whereis command? If you look at the versions, the installed version is ghost-cli@1.7.3 and the debug output says the CLI version is 1.5.1 - The CLI version is programatically retreived retrieved based on the package file which must be updated with every release
Unfortunately that’s the most I can help you from here, since it’s been a while since I debugged an issue like this.
However, a quick summary: you have 2 instances of the CLI installed for some reason. This could be because something simple such as having nvm installed as well as node, or something more complex. You need to figure out what caused the old version of the CLI to be installed and remove it.
Hello @themeix You can update your ghost using the following command /usr/bin/ghost update from your ghost installation directory.
I suppose this has happened because you had a very old ghost cli version and the latest version did not replace the ghost cli on /usr/local/bin/ghost .
@themeix you can additionally fix this by following commands mv /usr/local/bin/ghost /usr/local/bin/ghost2 && ln -s /usr/bin/ghost /usr/local/bin/ghost