Ghost doesn't schedule posts

If you’re looking for some help, it’s important to provide as much context as possible so that people are able to assist you. Try to always mention:

- What’s your URL? This is the easiest way for others to debug your issue


- What version of Ghost are you using?

Ghost-CLI version: 1.9.1
Ghost Version (at /var/lib/ghost): 1.25.5

- What configuration?

“url”: “https://localhost:2368”,
“server”: {
“port”: 2368,
“host”: “”
“database”: {
“client”: “sqlite3”,
“connection”: {
“filename”: “/var/lib/ghost/content/data/ghost.db”
“mail”: {
“service”: “Gmail”,
“transport”: “SMTP”,
“options”: {
“host”: “”,
“port”: 465,
“secureConnection”: true,
“auth”: {
“user”: “(censored)”,
“pass”: “(censored)”
“logging”: {
“transports”: [
“process”: “systemd”,
“paths”: {
“contentPath”: “/var/lib/ghost/content”

- What browser?


- What errors or information do you see in the console?

docker logs:

NAME: InternalServerError
MESSAGE: The server has encountered an error.


InternalServerError: The server has encountered an error.
_ at new GhostError (/var/lib/ghost/versions/1.25.5/core/server/lib/common/errors.js:9:26)_
_ at /var/lib/ghost/versions/1.25.5/core/server/adapters/scheduling/SchedulingDefault.js:239:34_
_ at Request.callback (/var/lib/ghost/versions/1.25.5/node_modules/superagent/lib/node/index.js:728:3)_
_ at ClientRequest.req.once.err (/var/lib/ghost/versions/1.25.5/node_modules/superagent/lib/node/index.js:647:10)_
_ at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:315:30)_
_ at emitOne (events.js:116:13)_
_ at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:211:7)_
_ at Socket.socketErrorListener (http_client.js:387:9)
_ at emitOne (events.js:116:13)_
_ at Socket.emit (events.js:211:7)_
_ at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:64:8)_
_ at combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
_ at process.tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)

Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
_ at Object.errnoException (util.js:992:11)
_ at exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1014:20)
_ at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1186:14)_

I tried mutiple hours to fix this issue, but I dont get it…

Can someone help me?

Thank you

What is the output of config.production.json?

It sounds to me you have configured our blog url with an IP address, but the scheduler can’t reach this IP address. Just a guess.

Hi Kate,

thank you for your fast reply!!

Do you mean the content of the config.production.json file?

Yes :slight_smile:

The content of this file is this:

“url”: “https://localhost:2368”,
“server”: {
“port”: 2368,
“host”: “”
“database”: {
“client”: “sqlite3”,
“connection”: {
“filename”: “/var/lib/ghost/content/data/ghost.db”
“mail”: {
“service”: “Gmail”,
“transport”: “SMTP”,
“options”: {
“host”: “”,
“port”: 465,
“secureConnection”: true,
“auth”: {
“user”: “(censored)”,
“pass”: “(censored)”
“logging”: {
“transports”: [
“process”: “systemd”,
“paths”: {
“contentPath”: “/var/lib/ghost/content”

Is it correct?

“url”: “https://localhost:2368”,

Why is your URL configured to use localhost? :thinking: Is that a development instance?

Is it normal, that the config.development.json is linked to the config.production.json?

The ghost blog, nginx etc. is running in an extra docker container.

No not normal. Maybe you have symlinked them by mistake?

Should I enter the IP address of the webserver instead of the ‘localhost’?

I think a colleague, who configured the ghost, linked it :thinking:

The URL of your blog domain.

Hi Kate,

I changed it. But I think there are some other problems.

I need to restart ghost with ‘ghost restart’ to see any changes, right? :thinking:

But every command for ghost I’ll get this error’s:

/var/lib/ghost$ ghost restart

  • sudo systemctl is-active ghost_undefined
    ? Sudo Password [hidden]
    A ProcessError occurred.

Message: Command failed: /bin/sh -c sudo -S -p ‘#node-sudo-passwd#’ systemctl is-active ghost_undefined
#node-sudo-passwd#Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1

Exit code: 1

Debug Information:
OS: linux, v4.4.0-141-generic
Node Version: v8.11.4
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.9.9
Environment: production
Command: ‘ghost restart’

Is it recommended to run ghost in a docker container?

What is the output of ghost doctor?

Is it recommended to run ghost in a docker container?

It is not officially supported. See How to install Ghost, the official guide.

Output of ghost doctor:

/var/lib/ghost$ ghost doctor
:heavy_check_mark: Checking system Node.js version
:heavy_check_mark: Checking logged in user
:heavy_check_mark: Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user
:heavy_check_mark: Checking if logged in user is directory owner
:heavy_check_mark: Checking current folder permissions
System checks failed with message: ‘Linux version is not Ubuntu 16 or 18’
Some features of Ghost-CLI may not work without additional configuration.
For local installs we recommend using ghost install local instead.
? Continue anyway? Yes
System stack check skipped
:information_source: Checking operating system compatibility [skipped]

  • sudo systemctl is-active ghost_undefined
    ? Sudo Password [hidden]
    :heavy_multiplication_x: Validating config
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking folder permissions
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking file permissions
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking memory availability
    One or more errors occurred.
  1. ProcessError

Message: Command failed: /bin/sh -c sudo -S -p ‘#node-sudo-passwd#’ systemctl is-active ghost_undefined
#node-sudo-passwd#Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1

Exit code: 1

Debug Information:
OS: linux, v4.4.0-141-generic
Node Version: v8.11.4
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.9.9
Environment: production
Command: ‘ghost doctor’

Additional log info available in: /home/username/.ghost/logs/ghost-cli-debug-2019-01-22T12_25_06_041Z.log

Try running ghost doctor to check your system for known issues.

You can always refer to Ghost-CLI - A fully loaded tool for installation and configuration for troubleshooting.

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