Ghost installed locally and after that if i made some chnages in the code then its not getting displayed on the theme on the localhost

Kindly help if someone also faced this before - Ghost installed locally and after that if i made some chnages in the code then its not getting displayed on the theme on the localhost

Many themes need a build step. Does your theme have a gulpfile.js? If so you need to install dependencies as npm install and then you’ll do gulp build or npm build or similar depending on the theme. (Check package.json and/or gulpfile.js for supported commands.

You might also need to restart Ghost, if you added new .hbs files that aren’t showing up. And reload the editor page in the browser. :)

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Okiee got that and one more thing do I need to do npm run zip to zop the file or anything like that

You’ll zip it before uploading it to the server, but if you’re editing in place you don’t need to upload as long as you run the build step.

Got it can you please tell the build step command or instructions to run the build