Ghost self-hosted installation doesn't work

Greetings! I have been trying to install Ghost for two days now on a VPS. Despite trying different cloud providers, I am unable to complete the installation successfully. The installation process completes, but when I reach the final question:

? Do you want to start Ghost? Yes

I select “Yes,” and the process runs indefinitely until this error message appears:

One or more errors occurred.

1) GhostError

Message: Could not communicate with Ghost  
Suggestion: journalctl -u ghost_demo-dev -n 50

Has anyone else experienced this issue, or have I done something wrong? I should mention that I have followed the official documentation for installing Ghost on Ubuntu step by step.


I’m confused by this. Can you share some info on how you installed?

And what happens when you take the suggestion, meant to reveal useful (maybe) error log information?

Hi, i installed all the dependencies such as Nginx, MySQL, node (via nvm and nodesource) I created a non-root user, and I accepted all the questions such as run ghost using systemd, add lets encrypt for https etc.

In the content/logs there is no log files at all.

And what about this?

Shows this

But those paths have execution rights

You might be seeing this error if node is not group executable, since the service runs as ghost, not ab.

Does Node version really need to flex its muscles here? Ghost Docker’s running smoother than a penguin sliding down an ice slope - we’re talking production environment that’s more reliable than your grandma’s secret cookie recipe. And bonus: no more wrestling with Linux permissions like they’re angry octopi trying to chmod your soul away - it just works!

When you say “runs as ghost” what do you mean, I created a custom user because in the docs, it was mentioned to avoid creating a ghost user.

The docs are correct! Internally the CLI creates a ghost user (that’s more restricted) to actually run the ghost instance. The ghost user needs to be able to execute node