Ghost server not listening

I have a self-hosted Ghost which was running happily until I tried to edit configuration.production.json to change the email server settings.

I wasn’t sure if I could do it using ghost config so I first ran that, but it didn’t seem to do anything, and so I then used vi to edit configuration.production.json.

I changed:

“mail”: {
“transport”: “DIRECT”


“mail”: {
“transport”: “SMTP”,
“options”: {
“host”: “”,
“port”: 25

I then ran ghost restart. Everything from the console looked good. However the ghost server is not responding on port 2368.

Running ghost start shows:

$ ghost start

  • sudo systemctl is-active ghost_blog-adamretter-org-uk
    :heavy_check_mark: Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking if logged in user is directory owner
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking current folder permissions
  • sudo systemctl is-active ghost_blog-adamretter-org-uk
    :heavy_check_mark: Validating config
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking folder permissions
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking file permissions
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking content folder ownership
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking memory availability
  • sudo systemctl start ghost_blog-adamretter-org-uk
    :heavy_check_mark: Starting Ghost
  • sudo systemctl is-enabled ghost_blog-adamretter-org-uk

If I also run ghost log -f whilst doing that I see:

[2018-10-19 06:55:27] WARN Theme’s file locales/en.json not found.
[2018-10-19 06:55:27] INFO Ghost is running in production…
[2018-10-19 06:55:27] INFO Your blog is now available on
[2018-10-19 06:55:27] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
[2018-10-19 06:55:27] INFO Ghost boot 1.801s
[2018-10-19 06:55:27] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.

However the blog is not responding on port 2368, if I try to telnet for example:

$ telnet 2368
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

Also if I try curl:

curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 2368: Connection refused

So can someone tell me how to find out why the Ghost server is now not starting correctly please and how to fix it?

BTW, output of Ghost Doctor looks fine too:

$ ghost doctor
:heavy_check_mark: Checking system Node.js version
:heavy_check_mark: Checking logged in user
:heavy_check_mark: Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user
:heavy_check_mark: Checking if logged in user is directory owner
:heavy_check_mark: Checking current folder permissions
:heavy_check_mark: Checking operating system compatibility

  • sudo systemctl is-active ghost_blog-adamretter-org-uk
    :heavy_check_mark: Validating config
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking folder permissions
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking file permissions
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking content folder ownership
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking memory availability
  • What’s your URL?

  • What version of Ghost are you using?
    Ghost-CLI version: 1.9.6
    Ghost version: 2.2.3

  • What configuration?
    Ubuntu 18.04

  • What browser?
    Google Chrome

@adamretter per your output, the log says: INFO Your blog is now available on so I’m kinda confused why are you looking for ghost at 2368?

Ghost is proxied behind an NGINX proxy which is forwarding for

So I figured out the problem. I cannot say why or how this happened, but Ghost used to run on port 2368. However it is now running on port 2369, I did not change this in the config file or anywhere else.

I would be interested to know if some sort of bug in the ghost update procedure caused that change?


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