Help translate Ghost (beta)

As an illustration, I currently employ Turkish for my interactions. However, the existing English-only comment section poses a usability issue for users like myself. I would greatly appreciate it if you could prioritize the addition of a comment system.

I have recently updated to the latest version of Ghost, but I’m still unable to see the translations. Is this a normal situation, or could it possibly be a bug?

Please provide your response .


We’re extending the beta to comments starting from the next Ghost release (Ghost v5.60.0). :speech_balloon:

Feel free to contribute translations for it too (you can find all the strings in comments.json instead of portal.json).


Any chance to see the search placeholder string being localized soon? :slight_smile:


that would be very cool

Hi Simon! thank for the information.

I already created a pull request for the Spanish translation a few days ago, I hope it helps!

As an additional question: would it be possible to add “variants” of “formal” and “informal” for some languages? I dropped a question here given some inconsistencies in the Spanish translations, but the truth is, that for some people “formal” Spanish will be better than “informal” (and vice-versa).
I noticed a similar suggestion in one of the pull requests (here) for the implementation of German language.

In case that it’s not possible to create that feature (to select “formal” or “informal” language), the short-term solution would be having our own fork of the translations, right?

thank you very much for your time and help!

Good question! I think in Dutch and German we went with the informal versions, as that probably fits most sites. If you want to customise translations, you’ll need to self host and you can use your own versions:

  • Create a fork of the Ghost repository
  • In the apps folder, you can find Portal, Comments-UI and the signup-form apps
  • Edit the translations in ghost/i18n
  • Build Portal/comments-ui/Signup-form (cd apps/portal && yarn build) and publish the assets (in the created umd folder) somewhere
  • Change your Ghost config to use custom URL’s for Portal (+ restart Ghost):
"portal": {
    "url": "https://yourhostedsite.example/umd/portal.min.js"

(you can find all the defaults in ghost/core/core/shared/config/defaults.json)

The downside of this approach is that you’ll need to regularly build and update Portal yourself it if needed when you update Ghost, since that won’t be automated any longer (e.g., there might be breaking changes or bugs that are fixed).

Awesome! thank you for your answer.

I already have my own ghost deploy but, in my case, “informal” translations work well enough. I will just review the Spanish translations again and switch to “informal” those few ones that are yet “formal”.

have a nice rest of the week!

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A few entries are missing descriptions in ghost/i18n/locales/context.json. It would be great if someone can add the descriptions to facilitate the translation efforts!

These entries have been updated!

One interesting thing I noticed: when you click, in the Portal modal, to change your plan, everything is translated except the header that still reads “Change Plan”. I looked at 2 i18n files and I saw no reference to this (tried PT-BR and French).

I thought about making a PR, but I am weary of doing something wrong (I am not a programmer), so I just thought I would mention this here.

It does not seem like something that would be too difficult for you hardcore coders to fix.

Captura de Tela 2023-12-05 às 16.05.52

Please somebody fix this in spanish!!!

When using a signup header… email imput is in english.

But MOST IMPORTANT, the message of confirmation “Email sent! Check your inbox to complete your signup.” Is also in english.

Please somebody can fix it?? Thanks!!!

Hi. I made Lithuanian locale for Portal and opened pull request 2 weeks ago, but it is still not reviewed and published. Could someone from maintainers take a look?

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Just merged :partying_face: Thanks for your patience. The updated translation will go out in the next release.

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Hi, thanks for the LT translation, good job ;) Is it Live now? I cant see it in my page yet (ghost pro)… I thought new releases are made every Friday or so, but it seems that its close to one month now and LT translation is still not live…?

Hi, when is the next release that will enable LT translation?

I think it already is, Linas, it went out in one of the latest releases: Comparing v5.76.2...v5.77.0 · TryGhost/Ghost · GitHub

Added Lithuanian locale for Portal

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I would like to think so, but in my website its the only thing that its not translated still :/ I wrote for support, I hope I will get an answer soon.
For me it looks a little bit pity when you pay for premium theme and then $31 per month for a creator plan but all you do is digging trough the forums and codes for weeks instead of focusing on creating content…just to translate everything to your language… Easy translations IMHO is the key for more loyal customers for Ghost :confused:

I checked on the LT translation. While the translations were present, the language hadn’t been enabled. I’ve added the language, so LT will be available in the next release, which is usually on Friday.

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I am improving the italian translation, I see there are some words hard-coded into the Source theme. How to handle those?

And another question, how to translate this? Seems like it does not belong to Portal (not found in GitHub repo i18n)