Hide HTML-Snippet for paid-users?!

Hi everyone. I run into a small problem I can not resolve on my own.

I would like to place advertisements in my postings and newsletters in the future, but of course only for free members.
The ads should be clearly marked with a red font color “advertisement”. In addition, this block should have a headline, an image and of course a text and a button. A different colored background would also be good so that it can be clearly recognized as an advertisement. A divider at the top and bottom.

Okay, there is already a lack of programming this as html, although I might still be able to manage that. But how can I make this html snippet completely invisible for piad-members in newsletters and blogposts?

Can anyone help me?
If someone can code this as a reusable snippet I would be very grateful. PM :slight_smile:


Ghost has a new feature coming that lets you exclude some newsletter content in html cards. If you’re on Ghost Pro, you could ask to join the beta. If you self host, you could turn on developer experiments.


Hey! Designer at Ghost here. @Cathy_Sarisky is right – we’ve currently got a private beta running that gives you more control over who should see the content inside your HTML card.

That said, we’re working on extending this functionality to a new call-to-action card which lets you do exactly what you asked: creating an ad block with an “advertisement” label, an image, background color, etc. That way, you won’t have to create everything yourself in HTML. I can’t tell you exactly when it will be released, but it’s coming soon!


Sounds really good - I’ll wait for it :partying_face:

Something I have been looking for – so adding my name to be notified when ready. (I just coded a version of the bookmark card for a client in HTML because the image from the site was not rendering properly.)

Thanks for the update. I’ll check back this thread for more info. :smiley: