How do I edit text on the inline form?

Hi, I’m completely new to Ghost. I’m wondering how I change the text on the inline signup form on the pages. Can’t seem to find where to do this. I’m using the “Digest” theme. Thanks in advance. Also, is it possible to change the sample name in the form from “Jamie Larson”? Thanks again.

If you can use a custom theme(Ghost Pro starter plan users can’t), you can directly modify the theme.
If not, you would need to do it via code injection.

You can change “Jamie Larson” by putting the following code into Ghost settings ==> Code injection ==> Site footer. Replace the “example” with the text you need.

    const subscribeLink = document.querySelector('.gh-subscribe-input');
    if (subscribeLink) {
      subscribeLink.childNodes[0].nodeValue = 'example';

But there is another problem: the default name in Ghost portal is still “Jamie Larson”

Thank you Raki. I am using the paid plan, Ghost Pro.