How do i post articles

Hi I canot seem to copy my written article from my word document and put in a post . This is very frustrating as it seems to past as a picture and I cannot edit it or seem to delete it. I do not want to have to rewrite 2000 word articles. Please help. Also once I started a post it now shows as a draft and I cant delete it? How do I delete the draft

Please advise


Welcome to the forum and to Ghost!

Iā€™m able to copy and paste out of Word (running Office 365 on Windows 10) and into the Ghost editing page without any issues. It gets at least 90% of the formatting right, typically.

So something is odd in your specific case. Could you please tell us what version of Word, what computer OS (Windows or Mac orā€¦), and where youā€™re running Ghost? If you go to your admin panel and then scroll down to ā€œWhatā€™s newā€, click the ā€œSee more featuresā€ link. Grab the box that looks like this and paste it into your post:

One other question: If you hit reply to this post and try to paste in some text from a Word document, what happens? Iā€™m wondering if you have your ā€˜default pasteā€™ settings set to something unusual. If youā€™re on windows, try checking those settings as described here: (Thereā€™s an option to paste as a picture, and I wonder if youā€™ve got it set.)

Thatā€™ll help us help you!

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