[Some of this is repeated in this feature request post, but I’m posting it here as well as I need help solving a particular problem.]
I recently moved an old newsletter from MailChimp to my two-year-old Ghost installation, as a second newsletter. I moved about 1400 subscribers, 400 of which were already members of my main Ghost newsletter (we’ll call that one Newsletter #1). I turned on “Subscribe new members on signup” for the new newsletter (Newsletter #2), so that all the imported subscribers would get auto-subscribed. I didn’t realize that any subscriber who was already in my system wouldn’t get subscribed to Newsletter #2. (Which is documented here, I now see.) So now when I sent out the next issue of Newsletter #2, it only went to 1000 recipients, not 1400.
It’s not a huge deal that those 400 people missed this issue. But I’d like to subscribe them for the next one. How do I do it?
According to the documentation, there’s no way, when importing, to change the subscription state of any member who’s already in the system. So do I have to go directly into the database to fix this? Or is there a simpler way I’m not thinking of?