More control over multiple newsletters

I recently moved an old newsletter from MailChimp to my two-year-old Ghost installation, as a second newsletter. I moved about 1400 subscribers, 400 of which were already members of my main Ghost newsletter (we’ll call it Newsletter #1). I turned on “Subscribe new members on signup” for the new newsletter (Newsletter #2), so that all the imported subscribers would get auto-subscribed. I didn’t realize that any subscriber who was already in my system wouldn’t get subscribed to Newsletter #2. (Which is documented here, I now see.) So now when I send out Newsletter #2, it only goes to 1000 recipients, not 1400.

My idea is: more control over which newsletter users get subscribed to on import. If there was a way to say “add all these people to Newsletter #2”, I wouldn’t be in this pickle.

Relatedly, I’d also love to have newsletter subscription info available in member exports. Right now I’m stuck figuring out how to re-subscribe these 400 “lost” subscribers. I can think of hacks, but they require knowing in the export CSV which newsletters a user is subscribed to.

Finally, I wish the option about which newsletter to send a post to was in the editing screen, and not in the screen you see right before hitting send. Ghost supports multiple design choices for each newsletter, so when I go to preview after editing a post for Newsletter #2, and Ghost is showing me how it looks in the Newsletter #1 (which it does because Ghost doesn’t know that I’m writing a Newsletter #2 post yet), it feels like a bug.


One more idea for multiple newsletters: a way to indicate, in an embedded form, which newsletter the new subscriber should get subscribed to. I tried adding a “data-members-newsletter=…” attribute to the script tag, but it didn’t do anything.

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