How to include a post in a post

Hello there

I’m having a bit of a problem with including the content from a post in an info box on another post.
The idea is, that for each post i have, there should be an info box on the side, with some tips. And these tips should be editable in the admin interface as a post, that is pointing on this other post.

As example:
There is a post with the name MI.2.1 b with the normal content. On the right site of this post-page there is a info that i created as a partial.
That looks like this:

The info-box.hbs looks like this:
<div class="infobox-first text-box-multiple">
<img src="../../../../content/images/2019/03/scratch.png" class="static-avatar author-profil-image">

<div class="infobox-second text-box-multiple">
<img src="../../../../content/images/2019/03/cs-first.png" class="static-avatar author-profile-image">

<div class="infobox-third text-box-multiple">
<img src="../../../../content/images/2019/03/lernstick.jpg" class="static-avatar author-profile-image">

And i call this partial in my post.hbs like this:
{{> "info-box"}}

Now my first question is:
Can i call the content of a post as elements of different textsections and not just as the whole context?

The idea here would be that the first paragraph of the post i create is the first box, the second paragraph of the created post is the second box and the last paragraph the last box.

The second question is:
Is there an other way to link the two posts together than calling each ID of the posts?

I know, it’s a lot to ask and i would be really pleased if someone would take the time and help me.

The last hours i went through the documentation i didn’t really find a fitting solution to my problem by my own.

Thx for your time

It sounds like you’re looking for the {{#get}}{{/get}} helper?

As for post linking - the main option you have is using tags.