Is there a possibility to put posts within a certain naviagtion-page? So that all the posts I made are not in the same page. For example (I am trying tp make a Movie-Webside): How can I put one kind of posts in one menu and the other ones in an other menu? Is that possible?
Hi @GhostUser1234 , as far as I know the easiest way is to use tags.
So, let’s say you have to types of movies: series and standalone
To each post you add one or another corresponding tag
Tags have its own pages: https://{you host}/tags/{tag}
I have posts in a different languages and here are my pages:
Then you just need to add refenrences in the navigation configuration to these pages
Hope it helps.
So, I am already used tags. All the posts are then listed on the start page and the tags are listed above them. But I want it like on your site: that you click on a navigation on the start page (such as “Featured” on your site) and that you then have more articles there. That doesn’t work with tags, as far as I have seen.
Hi again @GhostUser1234
My configuration is simple:
Tag link as a separate page is not available until you add there at least one publication
That is the simplest use case.
To help you more could you please share the link to you blog and/or provide a screenshot of the result which you want to achieve (maybe from some other website)?
Thank you so much, that was everything that I wanted to do! Thanks!