How to selectively exclude the .post-meta (Date, Author and Tags) from individual postcards

Can I create a hidden tag to use on posts where I want to hide the Or is this something built into the Ghost core?

This is what I was trying to implement when I discovered this {{#unless hide_meta}} already in the post-header.hbs of the Wave theme . . .

Hmm… since I wasn’t sure how to make that work, I did it a different way… I replaced the unless helper {{#unless hide_meta}} {{/unless}}…

Instead I used the has helper {{^has slug=“hash-hidemeta” tag=“#hidemeta”}} {/has}…

Here is the code for the entire post-header.hbs in case you want to copy-and-paste…

<header class="post-header{{#if single}} container medium{{/if}}">
    {{#if single}}
        <h1 class="post-title">{{title}}</h1>
        <h2 class="post-title">
            <a class="post-title-link"
                href="{{url}}">{{#unless is_placeholder}}{{title}}
    {{^is "page"}}
        {{^has slug="hash-hidemeta" tag="#hidemeta"}}
            <div class="post-meta">
                {{#unless is_placeholder}}
                    <span class="post-meta-item post-meta-date">
                        <time datetime="{{date format="YYYY-MM-DD"}}">
                            {{date published_at}}
                    {{#if tags}}
                        <span class="post-meta-item post-meta-tags">
                            {{#foreach tags}}
                                <a class="post-tag post-tag-{{slug}}" href="{{url}}" title="{{name}}">

Then I created a new Internal Tag

…which I named #hidemeta

Now I can just tag any post with the #hidemeta tag when I want to exclude the Date, Author and Tags in my homepage and index loops.

And here you can see it in action on one of my sites using the Wave theme – I tagged that first post with my new #hidemeta tag…