Hey all 
I’m so excited to share my new theme, Hue. Hue is designed for podcasting making it easy to show your podcasts in an attractive and organized way.
To organize the content and separate normal posts from the podcast posts, Hue is organized to:
- Show all posts with the
tag on the homepage with an auto-generated number for each post (Episode)(E1, E2,…).
- Show all posts with the
tag on a separate /blog
Hue comes with full membership and members support which makes it the ultimate theme for monetizing your podcast with Ghost.
Love dark mode? A beautiful dark mode is available.
Hue also comes with:
- Search support
- Images lazyloading for optimal performance
- Translation support with 8 different languages
- 8 icons for different podcasting services as shown in the homepage hero section.
I put up an extensive theme documentation for everything you need to set up the theme.
(Limited for the first 5 copies: use the ghost-forum code for 25% discount)
PS: The podcast episodes are not hosted in Ghost, but are embedded using the post editor.
Feel free to ask any questions…
Thank you
Hi Ahmad,
First, thank you for making this wonderful theme available on Gumroad instead of Themeforest since TF’s dumb license thing is still be worked out (I think). Purchased!
I’ll provide feedback when I’ve had a chance to play around with it more. One thing I know I and I suspect other podcasters will want is an inverse of how the homepage and blog page works. Home page has podcast episodes + blog posts. The theme then has a dedicated podcast episode page.
Thank you for this. It’d be great to see more theme developers use Gumroad.
Hi Leslie,
Thank you for your purchase and for all of your support and feedback!
This is available as a tag page ( /tag/podcast ) and it could be added to the navigation (already added to the demo). One more thing to improve this is by making it under /podcasts slug instead of /tag/podcast. I will consider this in the next updates.
I just wanted to simplify the homepage and make it only for the podcasts and instead, add a dedicated page for posts. This could be customized mainly from the routes.yaml
file. I will look more into this and update the docs for this scenario.
Thanks again and looking forward to any further feedback…
@ahmadajmi Liked the theme very much. 
One thing I want to mention, please fix the content API key in the demo. The search is not working.
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Thanks for letting me know, fixed! Thanks so much 
You are most welcome brother. 
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Hi, this is a beautiful theme. I would like to have the option of subscribing to a newsletter and to the podcast separately? Is that possible?
Thank you! Unfortunately, no way to make that separation in Ghost.