With the introduction of automatic optimization/conversion it seems themes are quite powerful now, with the ability to normalize image formats with fallback and more. I wish I knew how to use that for regular post content, because the ability to normalize/convert all my images to webp with fallback to original would be insanely cool.
The downside I’m seeing is all these tools just use the default offering from Sharp, which today defaults to the following on quality:
- jpeg - 80%
- png - 100%
- webp - 80%
- gif - n/a
- jp2 - 80%
- tiff - 80%
- avif - 50%
- heif - 50%
- jxl - 1 (0 high, 15 low)
Granted that is kinda called out in the docs, but we don’t have any control over that configuration - possibly because of how cluttered it would be - even if you could kinda normalize this in a single percent option.
So I figured I would just disable image optimization, but then I lose the exif stripping and resizing and put a bunch more work on my plate.
Am I being too greedy and this is expected behavior if I want to control %? I basically want the power of the Ghost automation for exif/resize, but without the default quality loss as it takes a dive on my images.
TLDR - Please introduce a % normalized option to allow some blogs to opt out of the quality loss, but keep the resizing/metadata stripping.