Image resizing through Ghost?

I’m looking to standardize my cover images.

Can we manage images through Ghost? If so, how?

Thank you for your help,

If you have ghost pro hosting, you can crop in the editor. If you are self hosting, you’ll need to add a license and configure Pintura.

Most themes attempt to crop images appropriately, and Ghost will generate multiple image sizes, so if your concern is just too-big images, you may not actually have a problem. (But if you want to change the cropping or do other edits, then you need Pintura.)

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It’s not open-source and there is no alternative available :skull_and_crossbones:

I started a reply, and then realized it would be more complex than I thought. You’d have to download the image, scale it, upload and link. That’s a little messy to do in Make, but here is a better way…

  1. Set up a Ghost module in Make which triggers on Post Published
  2. Generate an new feature image in Placid with your desired dimensions.
  3. Update the post with the new image using a Ghost module in Make.

The trick here is that you can give Placid a URL, and your new image will be delivered on AWS URL, you don’t have to download/upload the image.

When you publish a new post your Feature image will be automatically scaled to the correct dimensions.

Make will give you two scenarios and 1000 ops / month free - more than enough.

In Placid, create a template with the Feature image size you want, say 1600 x 800, and submit your Ghost cover image to this template from Make.

You can also brand your image with a watermark, and create poster images for Twitter & FB with Placid…

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