Import failed: Plans cannot have an amount less than 1

Hello Ghost community,

Can anyone help me out with this? I’m unsure of what’s causing the error.

What version of Ghost are you using? Ghost Package [v3.125.0] -App v3.25.0.

How was Ghost installed and configured? Installed it on Digital Ocean via Cloudron.

What Node version, database, OS & browser are you using? Chrome.

What errors or information do you see in the console?

What steps could someone else take to reproduce the issue you’re having?

Attempt to upload the json file from a previous installation to import posts or to reinstate their website.

What could be causing this issue? In my previous installation. I never turned on memberships or the payment feature.

Thank you. :grinning:

This looks like a bug, we are looking into it.

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Thanks Hanna. I’m using the Dawn Ghost theme if it helps. It’s a membership theme.

@Felix fyi, the issue for you bug is tracked here - Stripe plan validation errors during import · Issue #12049 · TryGhost/Ghost · GitHub ;)

Thank you for being on top of it. :slight_smile:

I need to keep an eye on this as well since I’m experiencing the same issue!
My ghost version number is the same, I have it set up with a droplet via Digital Ocean, and I’m using Firefox.

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Interesting. Thanks for posting here.

Looks like it was fixed?

Thanks @Ghost Support

Updated ghost via the terminal and it worked for me yes!!! Thanks again staff, very excited to get my blog back up and running :slight_smile: