Then I’ve used the command that was given to me from the Node.js App (source /home/garethjones/nodevenv/ghost/16/bin/activate && cd /home/garethjones/ghost) in Terminal to be able to use npm install ghost-cli@latest -g
Then I run the rm -rf * command to empty the directory, and the run ghost install -production command, because I want to use MySQL and have a working blog.
This is as far as I have been able to go, as it always spits out an error:
The GreenGeek Ecosite Premium offering is a shared hosting offering that does not support sudo and will not work. They sell a VPS option which would work, but the price goes up from $25/month to $40/month.
I run my Ghost hosting on a $10/month Linode VPS. At that base price, I expect you could buy $15/month (or less) of carbon offset credits from source that specializes in those and still have zero-emissions hosting for $25/month.