Internal Tags limitation

When tried adding 2 internal tags to an article, the article won’t show up once filtered by internal tags. Is there a way to handle this. We don’t want to use public tags since it’s too many and won’t really generalized the contents. Anything that can help?

You can easily filter posts with internal tag. See this

{{#get "posts" limit="all" include="tags,authors" filter="tag:hash-portfolio"}}

Here I have used #portfolio internal tag to filter all of the posts. I hope it will help you

Thanks for the reply, the main issue is once an article have 2 internal tags it won’t show up. I categorized each article with internal tags, and some have 2 internal tags on them.

In my case I added the filter on the routes.yaml since I have a page for each internal tags.

You can use multiple tags using []

{{#get "posts" limit="all" include="tags,authors" filter="tag:[hash-portfolio,hash-another]"}}
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Here’s the sample image the internal tags are specified each, so filter will be just one each section, but wants the article appears in both internal tags specified. Article is counted, but doesn’t show on the list.

Here’s the link as well as a reference. Thanks a lot !

Can you show me your code how your called it?

Here, they wanted it to be specific but there are articles that have 2 internal tags. I created the filter in the routes.yml

I hope this link will help you: Ghost Themes - Dynamic URLs & Routing

You can use multiple tags to exclude posts

    permalink: /{slug}/
    template: index
    filter: 'tag:-[hash-latest,hash-another]'
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I guess this is the limitation of using internal tags thats why internal tags are use privately and provided public tags . But anyways thank you very much!

Internal tags and public tags are the same exact thing, with the exception that internal tags are not publicly visible.

It sounds like you’re trying to use dynamic routing to categorize your posts into “channels”, where a post can belong to multiple channels. If that’s the case, you should be using Channels instead of Collections.

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Wow! Haven’t tried channels. I’ll try to use it ! Thanks !