Invite staff email error


  • How was Ghost installed and configured? Digital Ocean 1-Click Droplet
  • What Node version, database, OS & browser are you using? mysql, MacOS, Safari
  • What errors or information do you see in the console? I’ll post some logs below.
  • What steps could someone else take to reproduce the issue you’re having? Basically trying to invite staff member who has a gmail account.

I’m trying to send an email to invite a new staff member and I get this error:

Error sending email! Error sending email: Failed to send email. Please check your email settings and resend the invitation.

I’ve successfully sent some emails to staff with custom domain emails. But the couple gmail ones I’ve tried always throw this error message in red. And then this kinds of error logs:

at SMTPClient.<anonymous> (/var/www/ghost/versions/4.1.2/node_modules/directmail/lib/mailer.js:292:13)\n at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:421:28)\n at SMTPClient.emit (events.js:315:20)\n at SMTPClient.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:482:12)\n at SMTPClient._destroy (/var/www/ghost/versions/4.1.2/node_modules/simplesmtp/lib/client.js:310:10)\n at SMTPClient._onEnd (/var/www/ghost/versions/4.1.2/node_modules/simplesmtp/lib/client.js:410:10)\n at Socket.emit (events.js:327:22)\n at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:482:12)"},"msg":"Error sending email: Failed to send email. Please check your email settings and resend the invitation.","time":"2021-04-01T17:50:42.711Z","v":0}

Thanks for any and all help :slight_smile:

You’ll need to configure an SMTP server to be able to send email

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ahhh right okay I have that all set up but didn’t reset Ghost. I always forget to reset it after changing the config :sweat_smile:

Okay for those wondering – I had the SMTP all setup through mailgun, all was correct. I just hadn’t finished up by restarting the ghost instance.