Is there an example of Business Site?

Hi, I wish to see it there is a business site build with Ghost and I wiash to know ho to build a content page and not a post page.

I am sure there are business built on Ghost, but I don’t know any samples. You can of course code any customer pages you wish, but be sure you are not trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

Ghost is built for publication.

@biapar Here is a theme I built for this purpose:


Just linking to update the current Url for my GHOST LANDING theme demo site:


I did. Air Bee (

Good job Joseph!!

Thank you very much.

@denvergeeks this looks like theme I am looking for. Is it available for use? Thank you.

@ghost1 here you go…

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Here’s another free, more modern business-oriented theme which has a bucket load of custom templates …

See it in action here …

Hi, We build this theme from scratch.

I run my companies site on ghost as we post a lot of content: - works a treat!

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