I just created a new site with my custom domain and wanted to set up Mailgun. I keep on following the instructions on how to set it up but then when I try to restart ghost using my ghost-mgr I keep running into the following error.
ghost-mgr@username:/var/www/ghost$ ghost doctor
✔ Checking system Node.js version - found v16.17.0
ℹ Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user [skipped]
ℹ Checking if logged in user is directory owner [skipped]
✔ Checking current folder permissions
✖ Validating config
✔ Checking content folder ownership
✖ Checking memory availability
✔ Checking binary dependencies
✔ Checking free space
One or more errors occurred.
1) Validating config
Error detected in the production configuration.
Message: Config file is not valid JSON
2) SystemError
Message: You are recommended to have at least 150 MB of memory available for smooth operation. It looks like you have ~70.265625 MB available.
Debug Information:
OS: Ubuntu, v22.04.1 LTS
Node Version: v16.17.0
Ghost Version: 5.25.1
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.23.1
Environment: production
Command: 'ghost doctor'
Try running ghost doctor to check your system for known issues.
You can always refer to https://ghost.org/docs/ghost-cli/ for troubleshooting.
My config.production.json file looks like below:
"mail": {
"transport": "SMTP",
"options": {
"service": "Mailgun",
"host": "smtp.mailgun.org",
"port": 587,
"auth": {
"user": "postmaster@sandbox89e6b334bf824c2fb63ca7acb7b80ed8.mailgun.org",
"pass": "password"
I am not sure how can I fix the error, I keep going back to the config file to try to fix it but I can’t see what the issue is. The information is the same as mailgun.