Issue with Sitemap Submission in Google Search Console


We are using Ghost to manage our company’s blogs and have encountered an issue when trying to add the sitemap to Google Search Console. When uploading the file, we receive an error. After reviewing the server configuration, we’ve confirmed that the content type is set to Content-Type: text/xml and that our sitemap file has the .xml extension.

However, we’ve read that sometimes this configuration may cause recognition issues since text/xml is a more generic content type. It is recommended to use application/xml to ensure proper reading of the file. Before making any changes, we wanted to confirm if this is the cause of the error or if there are other recommendations to ensure the sitemap is detected correctly.

Additionally, we would like to know if it’s possible to edit the existing sitemaps to try uploading them in .txt format or if there is any other alternative you suggest to resolve the issue.

We appreciate your help and guidance in advance.

I’ve not had any issues when adding my sitemap into Google Search Console . Here’s mine as an example -

Also, here’s my Search Console –

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Thank you Pureflo, one question: where can we change the sitemaps in ghost?


You can’t and shouldn’t, in general. They’re automatic. And they should just be right.

Two things:
Don’t set a post/page’s canonical url field, if it should be canonical. It causes it to disappear from the sitemap.

Do use that trick if you have a page you don’t want indexed. :)

I didn’t respond to your original post because I mistook it for vague ai spam. Since you’re clearly a human (hooray!), we can offer better advice if you can share the specific error in trying to upload your site map. I’ve done this for lots of ghost sites and it normally looks fine. You may want to also share the details about your setup, if you aren’t using managed hosting. It could be a problem with your proxy server.

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Hi Cathy,

Thanks for your help, the problem is this:

Message: “The sitemap could not be read”.

And this is the main Sitemap :

and this is one that is among the main ones

Thanks, and regards!!

Thanks for sharing more information.

The only URL that you need to have indexed is and once that is, the rest of the content will follow.

Your robots.txt also looks fine.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /ghost/
Disallow: /email/
Disallow: /members/api/comments/counts/
Disallow: /r/
Disallow: /webmentions/receive/

Hello, pureflo
Thanks for your help.
Even when only indexing the sitemap, it still shows an error saying it couldn’t be obtained. We don’t know why this sitemap is not being added correctly.


I’m assuming you are self hosting. If you aren’t, you should kick this question at the hosting provider.

This is probably a problem with the proxy in front of ghost setting the content type incorrectly. If you can provide more information about your setup, it might be possible to help you.

Just to confirm, you’re submitting the sitemap to ‘,’ right?

Hi Raki, yes the sitemap to](

Hi Cathy, Let me know if you need anything else

Are you able to confirm your hosting service?

Well, you haven’t answered any questions about how your site is setup, so yes, if you want any help, you probably need to do that.

Hang on. Your image shows a relative url submitted (/sitemap.xml) rather than a full url starting with the https. If that’s what you submitted, that’s almost certainly your problem.

Hi, pureflo
The hosting plan that Ghost offers.
The domain management is done through AWS Route53, where only the CNAME configuration is set to point to blog.

Thanks, regards

Hello, it automatically completes the URL, but at the end, it leaves what comes after the slash (/). In this case, it’s correctly added, as I have others that come from the main domain and have been added correctly.


Since you’re on Ghost Pro, you should reach out to their support email for help!

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