Keeping systemctl node version in sync with NVM

I am recently going through a ghost major version update with my Ubuntu 18 server and I keep running into an issue where the node version I use via nvm on the server is out of sync with the node version being run by systemctl when I run ghost update.

In my server file, ghost_www-website-com.service the ExecStart references the /usr/bin/node path, which contains an old node version installed to the server when I first created it, but since then I have moved to use nvm to manage the node on the system.

I know I can change the path from usr/bin/node to /home/ghost-mgr/.nvm/versions/node/v14.15.0/bin/node to execute node from my nvm directory, but this isn’t helpful if I update to a new node version via nvm. Is there a way to have a dynamic path of the node version selected with nvm that systemctl understands?

ghost_www-website-com.service config:

ExecStart=/home/ghost-mgr/.nvm/versions/node/v14.17.0/bin/node /usr/bin/ghost run