Lack of Ghost themes

It doesn’t seem very easy to find Ghost themes that are compatible with version 2 or show what versions they are compatible with and I’ve noticed that there doesn’t seem to be many new themes being made. Maybe I am just looking in the wrong places?

What are the best places you would suggest looking for free and paid themes that are compatible with the latest version of Ghost which I believe is Ghost 2.23.2

Hi John! I have noticed the same thing, so I decided to scour the internet for interesting themes which have been abandoned in v1, and update them for Ghost v2.

I’ve put up a site for this very purpose (and also to log and report my findings of useful plugins and other Ghost resources I’ve been finding.) It’s just a fun hobby site for me as I learn, but I hope others like you will also contribute as you find any interesting stuff out there!

I am not a coder (haven’t yet embraced command-line), so I am gathering and testing and reviewing from the perspective of someone who is most at home in FTP and Cpanel, and tweaking already-built themes.

Come on over!!

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@denvergeeks Link?

Interesting. I did include the link, it must have been scraped out. Maybe someone (or some bot) thought I was advertising. Its just a hobby site. ghost-o-matic dot com. Try that.

The best place to find new themes is the official Marketplace:

From a version compatibility perspective, all of the free themes are compatible with Ghost 2.0 from what I’ve checked and the same goes for most popular paid ones :wink:

So far there are 6 Free themes and 54 themes For Sale in the official Marketplace, as far as I can tell.

I suppose I could contribute some more free v2 themes as I update some older ones from v1, if adding them into the official Marketplace is a simple process??

You can submit new hemes on this page ;)


And that’s only the official Marketplace, you’ll find many more at Sites like ThemeForest. :wink:

You may check out that website, Premium Ghost Themes – Themeix
We always maintain updates and fulfill our customers request. I hope you will bookmark that page to get the latest ghost themes anytime.

Wow @john10001 thank you for posting. That is a nice wide variety of Ghost themes!


Hey @themeix I just signed up for your business hosting to try it out. I’m testing all of the “one-click” Ghost sites I can find, and so far Themix performance is the fastest by a smidgen:

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Has anyone looked at Electron themes? It looks interesting, but I’m not sure if they’re compatible with Ghost 2.0 as of now.

Note: I am not associated with this site in any way, nor have I purchased their themes yet.

YES, I have looked at Electronthemes because they will pop up besides others on and in when I was searching for some nice and quality Themes. :wink:

It seems that, maybe, all of the Themes shown at Electronthemes and Themeforest are compatible with the actual stable Version of Ghost. At least that’s what they promote at there Support… :smirk: