Linked/related tags

I use ghost a lot (10-12 post a week) but sometimes i forgot to add all the related tags, is really hard to remember add all and i’m not the only one publishing, what about to add related tags to a tag, like if you want to publish something with the 'xbox one; tag, you see ‘xbox one x’ and ‘xbox one s’ added by default if you add the other one or something like that.

Nice! What’s your site? Would love to check it out.

Does autocomplete not help with what you’re trying to do, out of interest? Like if you type xbox in the tag field then it should suggest all of the different tags which match that in some way in the dropdown.

Or was there something more comprehensive that you needed?

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i love the autocomplete, but is tedious write all the tags every time, our site is about video games, let’s say we need to publish something about a game on ps4 and XO, we need to add ‘playstation, playstation 4, playstation 4 pro, playstation network, xbox, xbox live, xbox one, xbox one s, xbox one x’ tags, for a start

our blog is

@linkstrifer For this quite frequent use case, maybe a possible solution will come with the future feature Nested/hierarchical tags, subtags (using an already existent parent_id field in the tags database table).

In your example, instead of selecting all the tags

playstation, playstation 4, playstation 4 pro, playstation network, xbox, xbox live, xbox one, xbox one s, xbox one x

you could select just

playstation, xbox

and people who go to one of the subtags, such as xbox live, would see a link to its parent tag xbox.

yeah, that will work

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Oh Cool, I am new at Ghost, so needed some form of guidance, great that I stumbled upon this post, tags are the way to go.

here tags are really the way to go.