Looking for a Ghost Veterinary Clinic Theme

Hi There,

Looking for a Ghost Veterinary Clinic Theme, could not find anything in the marketplace, can someone help out.

Here’s an example of what I would be looking for Veterinary Clinic Website Template | WIX

I think that’s, unfortunately, too specific for a Ghost theme.

Ghost themes are usually available based on use cases rather than specific niches. For example blogs, newsletters, podcasts, personal sites, etc.

Best thing to do might be to look at the Ghost marketplace and see which of the themes you can adapt to your need: Ghost Marketplace

Or, as an alternative, hire a developer to create a custom theme for you, based on your specific requirements.

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Thanks jannis, yep after looking around could not really see any theme which match the business service model closely, so will follow your suggestions.

Cheers for the Advice.


I’d come at this a little differently. Think about the first page you see when you’re looking at the theme as being the page users end up at when they go to yourvetsite.com/blog/ (or /newsletter/ , or whatever).

Then build a custom page for users to actually start on, that focuses on your services. You can see an example of this on my own site:

That’s the landing page, and then my blog lives here:


As an experienced wordpress cutome theme developer across a variety of business types, my usual approach is to start with a few pages of that kind of business and others that the client likes, and blend that, along with some design and UX experience, into a new custom or semi-custom theme.

So that would be my suggestion to you - approach developers with a few existing web sites that you like the design and experience of and you are likely to get a better result for your searchers and users.

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Thanks v.much for all the advice here - yep moving slowly forward.

Thanks Cathy, super helpful advice here - I’ll have a crack at it.
Btw your blog is gold, very informative and well written
Thanks a bunch,

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Thanks for sharing these insights mate.