Member signup fails (members/api/send-magic-link/ 500error)

Hi there,

I installed a fresh Ghost instance and I’m setting it up right now. I noticed, I cant signup. If I try using one of the forms I get the following error log:

data-attributes.js:33 POST 500

I already set up mailgun. Sending a post to a test email address works. Why doesn’t the signup?

$ ghost version
Ghost-CLI version: 1.18.1
Ghost version: 4.25.0 (at ~/ghost)
$ cat config.production.json
  "mail": {
    "transport": "SMTP",
    "options": {
      "service": "Mailgun",
      "host": "",
      "port": 587,
      "secure": true,
      "auth": {
        "user": "",
        "pass": "[omitted]"

I don’t think it’s related to this problem.

Any help appreciated.

Check your logs for the error message. If it’s to do with ssl, change ”secure”: true to ”secure”: false so TLS is used to negotiate a secure connection once connected rather than forcing a secure connection which may not use compatible SSL algorithms.

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