I’m evaluating Ghost as an alternative to migrate a Mindtouch DekiWiki that has approximately 200,000 pages and 3500 users. Any suggestions? Does anyone have experience with a similar project?
I don’t think this is a good fit. Ghost is a blogging platform, not a wiki platform. You could recreate (via API) all the DekiWiki content as Ghost Posts and those users as Ghost authors (giving them the ability to edit their own posts) or editors (giving them the ability to edit all posts), but Ghost lacks most of the tools you’d want in a wiki (like who edited what, discussion pages, full page histories), because it isn’t meant to be one.
Thank you very much for the reply.
We currently use it as a CMS. Our subscribers have read-only access to the content and only our staff have permissions to publish and modify content.
Our main concern in the event of a migration to (Ghost or another product) is whether it can handle a volume of 200,000 pages.
Ah, I see, that makes more sense.
I don’t have an answer for whether 200k posts would be too much. I have worked with a few clients with ~10k posts. Things were zippy on the front end, but the admin panel was a little slow in spots.
You may want to email whoever you’re thinking about hosting with, as they may have a better idea, and they should probably know what’s coming in any case. (And it’s possible that ‘unlimited’ doesn’t include 200k pages - best to confirm that one up front, for sure!)
You will efinitely not want to use the built-in search, which builds the search index in the client. (Algolia should work well, as always.)